Disposizioni in materia finanziaria – Legal Entity Identifier – Processo di implementazione

Il Financial Stability Board (FSB) ha posto in pubblica consultazione un documento sulla revisione del processo di implementazione del Legal Entity Identifier (LEI- l’identificativo univoco e globale per soggetti che operano nei mercati finanziari).

In particular, the objectives of the peer review will be to:
– take stock of the approaches and strategies used by FSB members to implement the LEI, including its adoption for regulatory requirements by FSB member jurisdictions;
– assess whether current levels and rates of LEI adoption are sufficient to support the ongoing and anticipated needs (particularly financial stability objectives) of FSB member authorities;
– identify the challenges FSB members face in further advancing the implementation and use of the LEI, and make recommendations (as appropriate) to address common challenges.
The peer review report will describe the approaches followed by individual jurisdictions to promote LEI expansion; identify areas where members face common implementation challenges and document practices that have advanced the adoption and use of the LEI in improving the usability of financial data for financial stability purposes. It will also include an assessment of current levels of LEI coverage across sectors and geographies so to provide a factual basis for the analysis.


Thematic peer review on implementation of the Legal Entity Identifier and invites feedback from stakeholders

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