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Definition of structured codes of conduct and ethical codes

Board responsibilities, goals and corporate philosophy, conflicts of interest and transparency, social responsibility…

Company Regulations Definition

Definition and review of the Corporate Organizational and Operative Charts. Mission allocation and definition of the main activities regarding the Business Units. Definition of the communication methods and of the functional relations among the Business Units.

Creation and implementation of systems of indicators

Monitoring systems concerning the performance (KPI), the risk (KRI) and the goals (KGI) indicators and implementation of Balanced Scorecard systems.

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Definition of the delegation system and of the Internal Procedures

Definition of: company hierarchical lines, authorization protocols and Internal Procedures describing the business practices.

Management control and Activity Based Costing

Analysis of the financial and economic indicators in order to quantify the Costs regarding: the process, the activities, the product, the area, ecc…

Bank’s operation tracking, well known as “Garante II” measure

To guarantee the respect of data protection principles in regars of personal data protection by “Codice Privacy”.

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Senza titolo

Growth, excellence, stability monitoring competition.

Value Process


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